Términos y Condiciones
When you purchase any of the services offered by Jessica Bernard / Angéles y Mas LLC, you hereby understand and accept the following:
The client is 100% responsible for any action taken based on his interpretation of the information provided through any of the services offered. The holistic or professional services offered on this website are in no way a substitute for medical, legal or financial advice, and do not provide guaranteed prophecy or accuracy of future predictions.
By accepting this confirmation, you exonerate Jessica Bernard or Angéles y Mas LLC from any and all legal responsibility for the information contained in their services.
JESSICA M. BERNARD / ANGELES Y MAS LLC will be totally excluded from all responsibility at the moment in which client/participant shares the knowledge acquired through our programs with third parties.
It should be remembered that none of the techniques taught in the classes do not represent in any way a medical or psychological alternative.